P.O. Box Addresses

Learn about Blueberry Markets' policies regarding the use of PO Box addresses for account verification.

A valid Proof of Address document must state a residential address, not a P.O. Box. However, there are still ways to get approved if you only have a P.O. Box document:

  • Submit another government-issued ID with your residential address, or
  • Obtain an official letter from any of the following:
    • Bank manager
    • Magistrate of a District Court
    • Landlord of a rented premises where the client lives
    • Customs or Immigration Officer
    • Notary Public
    • Police Officer or Commander
    • Accountant who is a member of an association of accountants

The letter must:

  1. State that your country/locale does not have a residential address system, or
  2. Confirm your actual residential address.