(AU) Depositing from a Company Bank Account to an Individual Trading Account

If you are using your company’s bank account to deposit funds into your individual trading account, the following documents must be submitted along with your bank transfer deposit slip:


If you are the sole owner of the company

  1. A confirmation letter/official document stating that you are the company’s only shareholder
  2. A confirmation letter from the company that you must sign as the only director to confirm the transaction and specify the deposit amount

If you are not the sole owner/shareholder of the company

  1. A written confirmation letter/official document confirming and specifying the deposit amount to be transferred to your Blueberry trading account. All of the company’s shareholders must sign the document.
  2. A document that shows the percentage of the shares that you have in the company

In these documents, the following must be stated:

  • Company name
  • Company contact information (phone, email, address)
  • Trading account number with Blueberry
  • The deposit amount